- If you cross your eyes, they'll stay that way!
- Swallowed gum takes seven years to digest.
- Dropped food will stay clean if you pick it up within five seconds.
- Touching a toad will give you warts.
All of the statements above are old-wives tales or urban legends - look them up - they just aren't true! Well, similarly, the teacup pig just doesn't exist.
We have been loyal fans of the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" ever since it debuted, but found ourselves greatly disappointed at last evening's (March 1, 2010) episode. It portrayed a cute "little" Teacup Pig. Well, don't be fooled - it was just a BABY PIG!!! Admittedly, the tiny pig shown on the episode was adorable.
*** Update - on July 20th, 2010, Jay Leno gave a piglet to Joey King on "The Tonight Show" ... although they didn't call it a "Teacup Pig", they did say "Tiny Pig". It was also a very cute little pig, and Joey seemed truly thrilled to have it. The sad part is, however, that now millions of little girls (and boys) will also want one. ***
So where can you get a tiny pig or a teacup pig? The simple answer is ... you can't. Just like many urban legends, they don't exist!
Unsavory breeders and charlatans have been perpetrating the lie of "miniature" or "teacup" pigs for many years now, but the fact is that what they are selling are baby pigs. Pigs, sort of like humans, stay small for a LONG time, but not forever. In about five years, that teacup pig will be fully grown at 150 pounds, if you're lucky. Many of these pigs are not 100% pot bellied; they are mixed with wild or farm pigs. If your "teacup" pig has some farm pig in it, watch out!! Full grown farm pigs can be 1,000 pounds!!! Can your apartment or house handle a pig that size??

Yvonne McIntosh, manager of Piggy Paradise, the Pot Bellied Pig Department, recently interviewed with Animal Tales, a Tampa Bay Florida based radio show, which may be heard here: Animal Tales Radio Show. Yvonne explains much better than we can the lies and untruth of the "teacup pig" industry.
Every time a breed of dog is shown in the media (like Dalmations or Chihuahuas) sheeple (people acting like sheep following the flock) run out and get puppies without doing their homework, only to realize those breeds are not a good fit for their family. Shelters get inundated with the castoffs. Many are rescued, but unfortunately, many are still euthanized.
Although the perpetration of the teacup pig lie has been a small wave, it seems that now, thanks to last night's episode of "How I Met Your Mother" and celebrities like Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham, it is turning into a full tidal wave! Especially if the hundreds of tweets on Twitter just today is any indication.
Don't fall for the hype - teacup pigs just don't exist! Let's root out pignorance, one human at a time!
Best Friends Animal Society website
TeacupPigInfo.com - Teacup Pig Facts
PR Web - Teacup Pigs, All the Rage
PigHarmony.com - Teacup Pigs, Right for you?
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