Friday, March 26, 2010

New Poop Removal Innovation

Do you want to be a responsible dog parent, but have back trouble and just can't bend down to pick up the poop?  Just don't like the feel of poop squishing in your fingers through a plastic bag?  Well, has the solution for you!!  This product was developed by Dan Shalhoub, Tony (Monk) Shalhoub's brother.  (No, it's not your run-of-the-mill pooper-scooper).  We think it takes poop removal to the next level!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Story with Heart

A friend's Facebook post about finding a pile of pine needles near her barn that were blown into the shape of a heart, reminded me of something that happened about six years ago.

I've had dogs for most of my life, but when I was 28, I decided to get a kitten. Her name was Baby. When Baby turned 17, she developed mammary cancer, although she lived pretty much unaffected for over a year. One day she was having a health issue (unrelated to the cancer) and I decided to bring her to the vet for him to take a look at her. While we were there, Baby started having respiratory problems - she was really laboring to breathe. As most of us do, I have a very difficult time in making life and death decisions, and trusted my long-time vet to tell me when "it was time". Well, it was time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fix Blue or Green Eye in Pets with Pet Eye Pilot

Take lots of pictures of your four-legged loved ones?  Do they come out looking like aliens?  Then this product is for you!
It's easy to fix red-eye in pictures of people these days ... almost every software out there has a "red eye button".  But those of use who take more pictures of our pets than people know that blue or green eye is not so easy to fix!

Pet Eye Pilot now makes it incredibly easy to get the blue or green out!  Only $29.95, it works as a stand-alone, or as a plug-in to most photo editing software, including Adobe Photoshop and Corel Photopaint. Free Trial available.  Click here to visit Two Pilot's website for more information.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Teacup pigs are so cute - where can I get one?

  • If you cross your eyes, they'll stay that way!
  • Swallowed gum takes seven years to digest.
  • Dropped food will stay clean if you pick it up within five seconds.
  • Touching a toad will give you warts.

All of the statements above are old-wives tales or urban legends - look them up - they just aren't true!  Well, similarly, the teacup pig just doesn't exist.

We have been loyal fans of the TV show "How I Met Your Mother" ever since it debuted, but found ourselves greatly disappointed at last evening's (March 1, 2010) episode. It portrayed a cute "little" Teacup Pig. Well, don't be fooled - it was just a BABY PIG!!! Admittedly, the tiny pig shown on the episode was adorable. 

*** Update - on July 20th, 2010, Jay Leno gave a piglet to Joey King on "The Tonight Show" ... although they didn't call it a "Teacup Pig", they did say "Tiny Pig".  It was also a very cute little pig, and Joey seemed truly thrilled to have it. The sad part is, however, that now millions of little girls (and boys) will also want one.  ***

So where can you get a tiny pig or a teacup pig?  The simple answer is ... you can't. Just like many urban legends, they don't exist!