Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Can a rescue dog save your life? Marlo Thomas thinks so ...

Award winning author, actress, and activist Marlo Thomas makes no bones about it.  "Adopt a Shelter Dog. It Could Save Your Life", she wrote in her blog dated 10/23/2012.  You may read it here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marlo-thomas/adopt-a-shelter-dog-it-could-save-your-life_b_2001925.html

Since October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, Marlo encourages anyone thinking of getting a family pet to at least consider adopting instead of buying a puppy.  She mentions that it's a common misconception that all shelter dogs are damaged or unsuitable.  The vast majority are just animals looking for love.  We at www.DogShirtStore.com and www.Pet-Fanatic.com feel the same way.  We've known many rescued pets (and rescued a few ourselves) who have been nothing short of wonderful family members, companions, and sport dogs.  Many of our flyball and agility friends have won numerous awards and titles with their rescued dogs, in such venues as NADAC (North American Dog Agility Association), USDAA (United States Dog Agility Association), CPE (Canine Performance Events), NAFA (North American Flyball Assocation), and UFLI(United Flyball League International).  And even the AKC (American Kennel Club), once only for "purebred" dogs, has softened its stance to allow some "mixed breed" dogs to compete. 

DogShirtStore supports rescue organizations whenever we can.  Some of the organizations we are pleased to support include GREAT, Inc. of Florida (www.great-greyhound.org), Greyhound Rescue Adoption Team of NY (www.greathounds.org), Gold Coast Greyhound Rescue (www.GoldCoastGreyhounds.com), and Lost Angels Animal Rescue (www.LostAngelsAnimalRescue.org).  You may find shirts and other products we do for these organizations on our website at www.dogshirtstore.com, under the heading "Rescue & Adoption Stuff". A portion of all sales in this category is donated to the rescue organizations. 

Of course, one of the best things you can do to help rescue organizations, if your circumstances permit, is to become a foster family.  Says Kelly Faircloth of GREAT, Inc. (Tampa), "Donations are always welcome, but sometimes there are just so many of these beautiful dogs in need of a place to stay while they find their forever homes that our foster families are stretched to the limit to care for them.  More foster families are always needed."

If you can find it in your heart to either adopt or foster one or more of these animals in need, why not contact a local rescue organization to see how you can help?  You may find the rewards you reap far outweigh the sacrifices.  And, at least according to Marlo Thomas, it might even save YOUR life!