Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dog Poop

We don't often think about dog poop. All right - if you have a dog, you know that's a lie. Our dog's poop can tell us a lot. It can let us know if Fido (pseudonym) isn't feeling well, if he ate something he shouldn't have, or if he's doing just fine.

Having three Mini Schnauzers, we pretty much took for granted the small size of their "output". That is, until we came across some poop that looked like it must have come from an elephant! (Okay, we know it actually came out of a canine, but we can't imagine how big it must have been to have created that biscuit).

So, that prompted us to do our newest design - No Poop Walk. Go to Other Stuff - T-Shirts on the left side of our home page to check it out. http://www.dogshirtstore.com/

Here's our PSA for the day:
If you walk your dog in public, please do your neighbors a favor and PICK UP YOUR POOP!!! Well, your dog's poop, anyway. Besides, it's the law! :-)

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